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Respect others and yourself
Mutual respect


  • We share the countryside with the others. Respect the rights of the others.

  • When hiking along a narrow trail, let others advance when necessary. For example, give way to big groups and those who are going uphill.

  • Wherever mountain bike trails and hiking paths overlap, bikers should decelerate and give way to hikers.

  • Try to rest or camp away from the footpaths. Avoid blocking the paths.

  • Counter check the plans of the others. Reserve more space for bigger groups.



Be considerate. Respect the experience and travel quality of the others


  • The sound of nature is for all. Do not shout or make noise. Use earphones or lower the volume for music or radio programs.

  • Avoid smoking in the countryside. When smoking is inevitable, stay away from the others. Avoid disturbing other people and make sure that cigarettes are put out properly.

  • Do not flash strong light into the others’ eyes in the dark; avoid using unnecessary light to avoid light pollution. Choose a dimmer or red flashlight to minimize disturbance.

  • Respect local residents. Keep quiet when passing through villages. Do not disturb other people’s crop or properties. Get permission before trespassing others’ private property. Also, respect local traditions.

  • Try to keep pets at home. Otherwise leash the animals and keep them tamed. Avoid disturbing the others.

  • Be friend to other visitors. Show care and support to whoever in needs.

This site is managed by ecobus, and co-sponsored by the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee.

本網站由生態巴士管理,並獲 「環境及自然保育基金」及 「環境運動委員會」撥款資助 





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